Seeing Death Clearly

Helping Spirits Move On: Understanding the Journey of Souls with Dr. Marie Gasper-Hulvat

Jill McClennen Episode 73

Dr. Marie Gasper Hulvat, hailing from Canton, Ohio, originally grew up in Omaha, Nebraska. She is a human design specialist, an intuitive EFT practitioner, and a trained Reiki master teacher in the Tibetan Usui tradition. Her journey began with Reiki, where during her Reiki One training, she encountered disembodied souls for the first time, an intense and sometimes painful experience.

Throughout her practice, Dr. Hulvat has encountered various souls, from children afraid of going to hell to a school shooter worried about the children he harmed. Her approach involves acknowledging their existence, expressing universal love, and helping them realize their fundamental essence as love. This realization often facilitates their transition into the light.

Dr. Hulvat's experiences have transformed her attitude toward death. Once terrified, she now sees death as a natural and peaceful transition, akin to life continuing in a different form. Her work has clarified her understanding of concepts like hell and purgatory, viewing them as states of being stuck rather than places of eternal torment.

She recommends reading "Under the Whispering Door" by T.J. Klune, a story about a man who helps souls transition, which closely mirrors her own experiences.

In conclusion, Dr. Hulvat's journey with Reiki and tapping has profoundly shaped her understanding of life, death, and the energetic connections between them. Her compassionate and intuitive approach continues to help many souls find peace and transition smoothly into the light. 

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[00:00:00] Marie: This whole experience for me has been so transformative in terms of my attitude towards death, because before this, I was terrified of death. I was absolutely terrified of death, not because of being afraid of hell, but just the uncertainty of what comes after. 

[00:00:16] Jill: Welcome back to Seeing Death Clearly. I'm your host, Jill McClennen, a death doula and end of life coach here on my show.

[00:00:23] I have conversations with guests that explore the topics of death, dying, grief, and life itself. My goal is to create a space where you can challenge the ideas you might already have about these subjects. I want to encourage you to open your mind and consider perspectives beyond what you may currently believe to be true.

[00:00:42] In this episode, my guest is Dr. Marie Gasper-Hulvat. A human design specialist, intuitive EFT practitioner, and Reiki master teacher. Through her Reiki training, Dr. Marie's sensitivity to energies has heightened, leading to encounters with disembodied souls. Dr. Marie's approach involves acknowledging their existence, expressing universal love, and helping them realize their fundamental essence is love.

[00:01:13] This realization often helps them transition into the light. Her experiences have transformed her attitude towards death. Once terrified, she now sees death as a natural and peaceful transition life. Continuing in a different form. Thank you for joining us for this conversation. Welcome to the podcast, Marie.

[00:01:33] Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on, I'm looking forward to this conversation. But if you want to just start us off with anything that you want to share about you, about your background, where you came from, whatever it is. 

[00:01:45] Marie: So I'm Dr. Marie Gasper Hulvat, and I am coming to you from Canton, Ohio. I am a human design specialist and intuitive EFA.

[00:01:55] T practitioner, and I am a trained Reiki master teacher in the Tibetan Usui tradition. My Reiki journey is what started me off on this trail that led me to apply for your podcast. Because when I did my Reiki One training, I found out very intensely about disembodied souls, which I totally didn't know about.

[00:02:19] didn't realize was a thing until I had five of them pulled off me in the first day of Reiki training. It was an intense and at times physically painful experience. 

[00:02:30] Jill: Can you just explain a little bit about EFT and Reiki for people that are listening that don't know what they 

[00:02:36] Marie: are? Absolutely. So, let's start with EFT.

[00:02:38] So, EFT is sometimes called tapping, and it's a process of energetically releasing emotions, stories, whatever energies are stuck in our bodies. The way that I practice it is I talk with myself, or if I'm doing it by myself, or my client, and they tell me the story that's at the top of their heads, and then I repeat back verbatim to them some of the key words that seem to come up.

[00:03:06] And while we're repeating, we're tapping, we start on the top of our heads, then we move to the inside of the eyebrows. And there's, I think, a total of eight points that we tap on that are connected to their specific points on meridians in the traditional Chinese medicine system. And they activate those meridians.

[00:03:23] So when you're tapping, you're activating energetic conduits throughout your body. And wherever the story is being held in your body, it allows that story while you're saying the words of the story to get released and change and move the energy that's stuck. And it's incredibly powerful technique. I just did around a session with a partner that we do exchanges with last night, and I've.

[00:03:50] found this grief that I'd been holding on since I was 12 years old and I had no idea it was there. I had felt it in a chiropractic session last week. I felt this like rock in my heart and last night we found what that rock was and it was this deep, deep hell grief that I'd never allowed myself to feel and suddenly tears are streaming down my face.

[00:04:10] I can barely talk. I'm crying so hard and I had no idea it was there but I wasn't able to release it until like somatically I could tap through it and then it was gone. Well, it's not gone. It's acknowledged and it's much less intense. I'm probably going to do some more individual tapping on it on my own for during this week to see what more comes up.

[00:04:29] So that's tapping and eventually with the way that I would do tapping, you come to this point where the energy kind of flips and switches and suddenly you have this inner peace that we then tap in. whatever switch or transformation happen, which is a little different from traditional tapping, which often follows very distinct scripts.

[00:04:49] You can find all sorts of YouTube videos about tapping, and they'll give you scripts to follow. But the way that I do it, I want to follow the scripts in your head, not anybody else's scripts, because your scripts are unique. So that's a little bit different the way that I do tapping than you might see elsewhere.

[00:05:03] Reiki is beautiful, energetic, Everything is Reiki. It's the way that I like to say it. Reiki is a system that was developed, I believe it was in the early 1900s, by a Japanese man and has spread worldwide. You can get Reiki training all over the world and online. I've done two of my three Reiki training online.

[00:05:25] And the process of Reiki training installs in you a heightened sensitivity towards energies. Reiki literally means right chi or right energy. The rei is the right and the chi is the chi. One of the precepts of Reiki is that with Reiki anything less than light or love will be transformed by the light and love of Reiki or leaf.

[00:05:50] So, what Reiki initially taught me, very clearly, my first Reiki lesson, and Reiki really is a teacher. Once you are initiated into it, it really does start teaching you things, and you start listening to it. And one of the things that it taught me is how to help disembodied souls who have not gone into the light after passing.

[00:06:12] Who have, for whatever reason, chosen not to move on. How to help them move on. How to show them the light. How to bring memories, other souls, whoever it is, that will convince them to help move on. Through, down, kind of like, I imagine, I imagine this like, Selenite walkway. Because Selenite's a really powerful stone for me.

[00:06:34] I imagine this ramp, this walkway of Selenite that's just imbued with light, going up into the light. And particularly when they're just not ready, they're not convinced that it's a good idea to move on. I ask for whoever is missing them, whoever loves them, to come down that ramp to come hold their hand to walk them up.

[00:06:53] And that very frequently works. I've seen a lot of dogs. A lot of dogs have come down the ramp. And once somebody sees their dog, they're like, Oh, I'm good to go. 

[00:07:03] Jill: Yeah, we love our dogs. And our dogs love us no matter what. Dogs are so unconditional when they show their love to us. And I think that's why we love them so much, because that's rare in humans, unfortunately.

[00:07:16] When you find the souls or when they find you? Do you see them? Do you hear them? Do you sense them? What's your, I don't know, human perception of them? I've talked to people that they're like, no, I'll see them. I'll walk into my living room and there'll be like a person. I'm like, no, I don't want any of that.

[00:07:32] I don't want that. So I'm just curious, like how you perceive when they're interacting with you. 

[00:07:39] Marie: That has changed over time as I've learned to deal with them. I started off like they found me. I had to be very careful about talking about this ability that I had at all, because the minute I would talk about it, it was like the magnet got turned on, and boom, somebody would find me.

[00:07:55] I had to be very cautious because it's very energetically taxing to release them. I didn't know why they kept coming to me or how I could possibly control the influx of them because at times it was totally overwhelming. I had a silent yoga retreat at a center that's right across from a cemetery and oh boy there were a lot of them.

[00:08:18] They found me, and there was just a whole crowd of them, and they knew, and I sent them off on a cruise ship. There were that many of them, and then the next day, I went back out, and there were still more, and I was like, Why didn't you get on the cruise ship? And they're like, because they wouldn't let us, because we're black, or because we're brown.

[00:08:36] Oh, interesting. And I was like, oh, ghosts are real, sis. That's Yeah, so I sent them off on a school bus. So how do I feel it? It really depends. These days, I just kind of get a, like a pop, like a sense, like, oh, there's somebody there. I was talking with a woman who helps me around the house. I love her. She's so wonderful.

[00:09:00] And my life is so much better because of her presence in my life. And she was talking about her father who had passed away a few years ago. And suddenly he was there. And I was like, he's here. She's like, it does not surprise, because I was talking about how people that don't move on. She's like, I bet my dad hasn't moved on.

[00:09:16] I was like, no, he hasn't. Cause he's here. It was just kind of this theory was, she had been very sick and had just recovered before he passed away. He was watching out for her. It was just a matter of talking with her and communicating with him like, Hey, she's okay. She's doing great. You can go on now. And then.

[00:09:33] He left, and I'm pretty sure he went into the light. I didn't see it happen as vividly as sometimes I see it, but sometimes just like images pop into my head. I can just sense my energies off. Something feels just not quite right. I had one, it was clearly some sort of kid, and trying to scare me off with like, costume or a monster like outfit.

[00:09:53] And I was like, I'm not scared of you. You're not scary. You can go on. Come on, let's go. Then I brought down one of my guides, and I was like, hey, can you guys walk up there? And the kid was like, oh, you're not scared of me, okay. When I first encountered them in my Reiki training, I had no idea what was going on.

[00:10:08] The Reiki teacher was like, okay, so who's in there? I was like, I don't know. I don't know who's in there. And suddenly it was like visions appeared to me of who was there. There was a whole band of kids, Mormon kids, because I grew up in Omaha, which is on the Mormon trail. And this whole band of Mormon kids, and then a few adults with them, but the adults clearly weren't the leaders.

[00:10:28] The kids were the leaders. And they'd been popping around to different bodies for over a hundred years. And they found me in my youth and they were like, Oh, this is a good place to be. And I could see the clothes they were wearing. I can very vividly see what they looked like. And I get a lot of visions of clothing that they're wearing.

[00:10:46] And we sent them off on a boat down the Platte River and off they went into the light. So many of them that have come to me have been children who were told they were going to go to hell. And so when they died and they realized there's this light, they assumed it was the light of hell, and they're too afraid to go.

[00:11:02] And so they would not go when they first died. And so that's been really interesting seeing. And they're not the only ones that are afraid of hell. I've had adults that are afraid of hell too. And I've had some, two of the ones that were, the really painful ones that were pulled off of me in my Reiki 1 training were a couple of bank robbers from the 1920s.

[00:11:21] And I very vividly saw them and actually this weird like cackle came out of my mouth when she was talking to them through me. And man, they had no interest in coming out and she pulled them out of me with like a crane, like the visualization of a crane and a steel box. It was very unpleasant. So that was almost two years ago.

[00:11:42] And it's only very recently that I realized where they were physically in my body. And I think I invited them in subconsciously because for a long time, my chiropractor had told me, you're like a vortex. Like you pull in. I have to really work hard to not get sucked in to you. And as we were working through various things that were going on with me, he found, he's like, there's a black hole here.

[00:12:08] And it was, it's just like below my rib cage, right at that point where the ribs meet up together. He's like, you've got a black hole here. And I don't know what to do about it. I've never seen anything like it. And I realized that that's where the bank robbers were. Bank robbers were there defending that black hole.

[00:12:22] And when that black hole opened up, that's what became the magnet, or one of the magnets. So I had a couple of really intense breaches in my energetic field. One of them was in my crown chakra, and my chiropractor helped me remove the block that was preventing energetic integrity in that spot. And then I had this black hole that was pulling things in.

[00:12:42] I got divine guidance through a tapping session with my tapping partner. Of how to remove that black hole. I even got map coordinates, kind of like a vision of a map of where to bury it. Because I had this fear of, if I release this black hole and give it to mother earth, like what's going to happen to mother earth, I don't want to hurt mother earth, so I got this vision of coordinates and, and who to ask for help in removing the black hole.

[00:13:07] And, and we removed it, took a week or so to keep reenacting that process. And then suddenly the black hole was no longer there. It's always funny trying to discern what's a disembodied spirit and what is a helper. And one of the things that happened several months before that is I evicted a dragon. Like, a dragon came to me in a vision.

[00:13:27] And I was like, all right, you're an angry dragon and you're not helping me right now. So I'm gonna put you in a cave and we're gonna cover that cave up with a stone and some greenery. And then suddenly, once the black hole was gone, I was like, is it time to call back my dragon? My guides were like, yeah.

[00:13:42] Bring your dragon back. So I brought the dragon back, put the dragon where the black hole was, and no more black hole. So now I am not constantly pulling in and having to disengage disembodied souls now that I have restored my energetic integrity. It was just this kind of sense of not quite being myself, something being off.

[00:14:01] Just feeling sticky almost and the more attuned that I've gotten to it the more sometimes when I feel sticky it's just like other people's energies that don't belong to me and I can just remove those. It's not a soul it's just energies but if it's really intense deep energy get images of who they are.

[00:14:20] I had in that same yoga retreat there was a lot that came to me. And one of them was a school shooter. He didn't want to move on because he was worried about the kids that he had shot. And the kids were like, hey, we're good. And it was just one of those moments of realization in these moments of mass tragedy.

[00:14:39] I, I just got this vision of all these kids being like, they're all with their friends, they're like, Come on, guys! Let's go! Almost like having that moment of camaraderie, just right after death, and being like, Can everybody, let's not leave anybody behind. We're all going together. We're here for you. Come on, let's keep doing this together.

[00:14:59] And the kids were like, We're fine. And that was enough to help him move on, because he felt so guilty and sad. About what he'd done, and he didn't think that he deserved to move on. So that's really like, I have a script that I sometimes use, which is, Thank you, I appreciate what you've come here to teach me, because I wouldn't be receiving these into my field if they weren't here to teach me something.

[00:15:26] And then I'd say, I love you, just expressing universal love. And tapping into that sense of the Reiki, the infinite light, and just expressing that, and then you are love. Not just that you're loved and deserving of love, but your fundamental essence is love. And that, almost always, is that confirmation of their existence on a very fundamental level, as, you know, They are love is frequently enough to just prove they're willing to accept that they are love, then they almost instantly go to the light.

[00:16:04] It's like the light sucks them up once they were willing to accept that. 

[00:16:07] Jill: And do you find that I know you mentioned a lot of the times there's that fear of like, well, I'm going to go to hell. So that's why I'm not ready to go. I mean, it would seem to me that there's. Yeah, there's something keeping them here, right?

[00:16:22] Whether it's like a tragic ending, and they're just kind of like, I'm just not ready to move on because I wasn't ready to die, or they're afraid. It seems to me, even from what you're saying, most of the time, if they're stuck here, they're just afraid of what's going to come after this, right? There's like that fear that holds them there.

[00:16:43] It makes me sad to think how many people are walking around alive right now, terrified that when they die, they're going to go to hell. 

[00:16:49] Marie: You know, this whole experience for me has been so transformative in terms of my attitude towards death, because Before this, I was terrified of death. I was absolutely terrified of death.

[00:17:02] Not because of being afraid of hell, but just the uncertainty of what comes after. And now that I've had so many experiences, it's like, oh, death is okay. Death is going to be great. Life is great. I don't need to be afraid of death anymore. I can just enjoy being in this body right now and know that death isn't an end.

[00:17:22] I guess that's kind of the. Teaching that I grew up with is death is kind of the end. And now I know with absolute certainty that it's not the end. I've come to really deeply appreciate that I don't think there is hell at all. I think it was Sartre, he wrote a play called No Exit. And it's about people in hell.

[00:17:45] Hell for this existentialist from the mid 20th century was hell is other people. I think hell is other people and other ghosts. It's the being stuck and not have gone into the light and being stuck. I don't think there's any difference between this idea of purgatory and hell. Anybody can get stuck, and some people are going to perceive it as hell, and some people are going to perceive it as purgatory.

[00:18:07] But it's all the same. It's just not the light. Like, anything less than light is, once you become a disembodied soul, is kind of being stuck. And for some of them, it's a place of hopelessness, and for some of them it's a place of just waiting. For whatever they need to be clear on to achieve clarity on it.

[00:18:26] So for example, this dad who needed to know that his daughter was doing okay, that she was doing great, and that he could move on because she'd made it through what she needed for travails. So yeah, I mean that whole concept of hell and purgatory has become far clearer to me. It was something that I just kind of dismissed as nonsense before.

[00:18:45] And now it's very clear to me what hell is and it's such a people. I read that play in high school. I just took it as kind of a joke. Hell is other people. Well, yeah, other people drive you crazy. But on a certain level, I think that really if you're stuck with other ghosts who drive you crazy. Or another hit to somebody's soul to drive you crazy, then yeah!

[00:19:03] It's gonna be other people, until you figure out that you don't have to be with them, that you just have to accept that you are love, that love is within you, and that you have the ability to be with them. Reunited with this universal spark of light, and then nothing else, then suddenly other people disappear, and you're just reunited with oneness.

[00:19:26] Hell is differentiation. 

[00:19:27] Jill: I have to admit, overall, my life is pretty good, right? I have a lot of privileges that a lot of other people in the world don't have. And I see a lot of The suffering and the pain in the world. And I know how bad I feel sometimes. So I can only imagine how bad a lot of other people feel all the time.

[00:19:49] And I remember thinking, how could there be a hell? How is this not hell? That felt really crappy to feel that way and to think that way. But I was like, could anything be much worse than what we are witnessing around us, right? But yet at the same time, there's also a lot of. Beauty and joy and wonder and really wonderful things that exist right now.

[00:20:14] And I can imagine that if I was a ghost, you would lose so much of that, right? So, you're still here to exist and to witness. the pain and the suffering and to witness even the good things and know that you didn't appreciate it when you were alive. And to know that you can't take part in it. You know, like how much I love, I love my plants.

[00:20:34] I love touching my plants. I love smelling them. I love my coffee. Like there's so many things that, you know, When I no longer have this body, I won't be able to have so I could imagine that if I was like stuck here and I remember being in high school actually getting in a truck with a guy, and he pulled out a bottle of vodka from under his seat and he's drinking and I dead serious.

[00:20:55] said to him, if you kill me, because you're driving drunk, I'm going to come back and I'm going to haunt you. I'm going to haunt your children and I'm going to haunt your children's children. So please do not kill me. And I've thought about it afterwards. And I thought, damn, if he would have killed me, then I guarantee that that's exactly what would have happened.

[00:21:14] And then I would have been mad. I would have been like, damn it, Jill. Now you're stuck here with this fool. For three generations. Good job. Look what you did to yourself. I thought you would have, you know, binding contract there But man, I was scared like I legitimately was scared There was something in me that was like he's going to kill you And you can't let this happen and I don't know if that actually did affect the situation at all But it was like one of those things that i'm like damn if I would have died I would have been stuck here so I could see how souls Could get stuck here because again if you die in a tragic way or Just not ready to go for whatever reason You're not going to be able to figure out that way to make it to where you need to go And I think it's interesting because i'm sure there's people that are listening to this that are going this is total bullshit Right.

[00:22:04] It's so hard for people to understand if you haven't experienced it. But I understand that if you've never experienced it, it just seems like that can't be possible. And I'm like, there's people hundreds of years ago that didn't believe that the world was round and it was rotating around the sun. They didn't believe that was possible.

[00:22:24] So maybe in a couple hundred years, there'll be some way to scientifically prove this. Who knows? But right now, it is real for the people that experience 

[00:22:33] Marie: it. I watched it happen. I rarely open myself up. But in my training for EFT tapping, we were doing a practice round. There were five of us, and I was one of the observers.

[00:22:44] We would have the person doing the facilitating, the person being the client, and then observers. I was one of the observers, and I was watching this Islamic woman in Jerusalem. She was tapping, she was the client, and I could just tell, I was like, she's got a disembodied spirit stuck to her. And I asked her spirit, is it okay if I release this soul from you?

[00:23:04] And I got this very strong, intuitive, yes. It's okay. And so it was after a round of ta as she was talking, I asked this question to Eversoul and I got the yes and then I opened myself up and I said, you can come to me. And it came to me and I watched as she's like, it's gone. The sadness is gone. Like it was, it was instantaneous.

[00:23:22] She's like, all of a sudden, like, it's gone, the sadness, it's just, it's just gone. Yep. And after we finished the round, and I had moved the attachment on into the light, we were debriefing the session, and she's like, yeah, I don't know what happened, like, suddenly it was just gone, and I turned on my mic, I was like, I did that.

[00:23:40] Like you had a soul on you, and I asked you if I could take it off, and it came to me. And then I got put into the special group for my training. I had a special coach to make sure I didn't do anything too wacky to my partner. Because the teacher that was in our group was, I think, kind of tagged me. Like, she has special powers, we need to make sure that she doesn't tag me.

[00:24:02] It's really 

[00:24:03] Jill: funny. And I think it probably is worry for you as well, right? I had talked with somebody that they are somebody that does like cleansing of houses and they've been doing this kind of work for a really long time. And they were telling me that one time they were living somewhere else like out West and they heard of a priest that did exorcisms.

[00:24:25] And it took a really long time for them to get this meeting set up because they were like, no, we don't talk about this. We don't let outsiders come in. And eventually they wore them down enough to be just one meeting. And they were like, one meeting, one hour, that's all you get. And they were telling me that when they met this person, priest was probably about 35, he looked 65.

[00:24:48] Doing this work, the priests die younger. It really weighs on them. It really takes a toll on their body and their mind and their soul. This priest was like, No, I go in and I remove evil spirits, I remove demons, I remove the really, really bad stuff from people. But then they kind of energetically attacked him.

[00:25:09] And so he was like, it was amazing how you could see it on this person. And then he was like, and this is it. I will never speak to you ever again. Don't contact us ever again. This is all you got. And I was like, yep, see, that's what I don't want. I don't want. Any of that, y'all can just stay over there. But I think that's why I work with the living people, right?

[00:25:31] That are as the Death Duel. I'm like, let's get some of that closure now. Let's work on some of that now. Let's work on some of that. I don't usually say that I practice Reiki because anymore I don't do it exactly the way that I was trained. I also did a shamanic training. So what I do now is more like energy work.

[00:25:49] That's a blend of shamanic. extractions and retrievals, but it's kind of like Reiki. Whatever it is, I just do this thing sometimes. I don't do it with everybody. Not everybody's open to it, and it's fine. I get it. But especially when people are actively dying, when they're unconscious, I do ask, is there something I can do?

[00:26:10] Is there something energetically I can help you with? But I'm still going to ask them permission, right? And I'll even sometimes say it out loud because they're hearing me, even if it's not any way that they could respond, because I'm trying to just help them before they cross over so that they're more prepared and they're ready to move on to whatever it is that we move on to.

[00:26:31] Because again, I don't know for sure. I've heard enough stories about the light. And even in my shamanic training, I actually had asked my teacher and she was like, Look, I don't mess with that. Like I will tell you some guidance. But crossing souls over that's a whole thing. And I was like, I get it. But it's a similar thing, where I see, visualize, in my mind's eye, the light.

[00:26:53] And they will sometimes go. Because I have done it a few times where, when I'm doing the extractions on people, where I'm like, all right, whatever you were, you need to move on. You need to go to the light. I think the thing that, again, because I've experienced it, I think it makes it easier for me to be like, yeah, totally.

[00:27:10] It also is across all cultures, across all time. Then people have seen and done these things and it's not everybody and that's fine. It doesn't have to be everybody. But for the people that do this work and the people that experience these things, it is all very similar. And people that have had near death experiences, they kind of say the same things, right?

[00:27:32] To me, there's a great mystery, but I think we also have some ideas. We just try to put language to it and we can't really. Describe it in human language, something that is not describable. And so that's why I think then we get caught up either very specifically on the words that are being used where it's like, I'm going to cling to this or that doesn't make sense.

[00:27:56] Well, yeah, it doesn't make sense because it's not something that I'm hearing. It's not something that I'm Seeing exactly. It's interesting. I love it. I love talking to people like you I love talking even people that are complete deniers of all of it I just love to talk about it because I think it's interesting.

[00:28:13] Marie: Have you heard of the book under the whispering door by TJ Klune? No, I have not. I highly recommend reading it because it's about a man who does this That's it His job is to move souls on and there's a character who's kind of like a reaper and a reaper brings the souls to him and he has a halfway house where at the top of the stairs there's a whispering door up into the attic and that's where you access the light and the ghosts work their way to being ready to go.

[00:28:44] That story was really helpful for me when I do actually talk to people about this. I ask them if they've read that book and I'd be like, I do something very similar. I've heard the word psychopomp described, like, what I do, what we do. I had a very similar experience with Reiki teachers, who I said, this is happening, and they're like, don't do that.

[00:29:05] I was like, I don't know how not to. It'd be great if you could show me how I don't do this, because I don't seem to have a choice at this point. Um, and it wasn't really until working with my chiropractor and, uh, binding these, really. gigantic breaches in my energetic integrity that I've been able to, like, I can turn it on.

[00:29:26] I can turn on the, it's like the force field. And once I turn on the force field, and I turned on the force field before we started this call because I knew we're talking about this. If I don't turn on the force field, boom, I'm just gonna get a bunch of them. So I can turn on the force field at will. And I do, and it automatically flips on anytime I'm in public.

[00:29:43] Anytime I'm in any energetic exchange, even on zoom, it usually just And I can literally feel this sensation in the back of my head. There's this tingling that happens. And I'm like, it's on. My force field is solid. There's nothing getting through this that I don't ask. There's nothing getting through this light and love force field.

[00:30:01] That's powerful. I feel completely empowered and safe now that I know I have that. And I know I have this skill that if I should want to use it, I can. But I have a choice now as to whether or not they're coming to me. And That was extremely powerful and it was a bit disempowering to be told, stop doing it because they were like, just put up your shield.

[00:30:23] And I had so much unprocessed trauma that needed to be worked through in my body that I couldn't put up those shields. And I had no idea how to because I didn't feel that I was lovable. And now that I've processed a lot of that trauma, I am able to set up these shields. And that's one of the things that I really love about intuitive tapping, intuitive EFT, is it helps people process trauma at a level that is safe for them.

[00:30:54] Because you have to be so careful with trauma not to just reenact and re traumatize. And working with the living and the ripple effects of making those energetic transformations and helping people that are alive. Feel lovable, feel like they're worthy. It makes all the difference. In our world, in our humanity, in our energetic field, that's why we're here on this planet, I think, right now.

[00:31:17] We're here to make those transformations. We're here to process that energy, to take all this ancestral stuff that we brought with us, take all this past life stuff that we brought with us, and clear it, because we're here to clear the template of humanity. Because there's been so much violence, so much pain, so much suffering.

[00:31:36] I've had some really interesting experiences with visions of my own past lives, and how I died in past lives, too. That was a big part of my getting, letting go of a fear of death, because I saw. I watched how I died, and those visions were so useful in processing my own trauma. I was holding on to them because I needed them in this lifetime to access traumas that needed to be released, either from previous lifetimes or echoes of them in this lifetime.

[00:32:08] I know, 

[00:32:09] Jill: again, there's people that are like, I don't believe in past lives. I didn't either, but man, I know they 

[00:32:13] Marie: happen. 

[00:32:14] Jill: Yeah. And we are almost at our time. 

[00:32:17] Marie: That's fun. 

[00:32:18] Jill: And I'll put in the show links, first off, the book that you mentioned, I'll find a link to that. I'll put that in the show notes so people can find it.

[00:32:25] Do you have like a website? Do you have any way that you want people to reach out to you if somebody wants to contact you? 

[00:32:31] Marie: I'll give you my website and then I'll also give you the link to my, I have an intuitive EFT group tapping program where we get together. I have three meetings a month. I ask people to pick like one meeting.

[00:32:41] We just work with whatever we got and whatever you need, you bring it to the meeting. I use Google random number generator. I assign numbers to people that want to be like in the proxy seat. And then whoever comes up first goes first and we tap on, right now we're tapping on what are in, so I trained in quantum human design, not just human design, but quantum human design, which is kind of an elevated human design.

[00:33:04] And Karen Curry Parker, my teacher has discerned nine resiliency keys. One of them is self love and one of them is self worth and there's seven others. And so we've been tapping on specifically those resiliency keys lately. I don't know if we'll keep doing that or not for how long, but we keep coming back to self worth a lot lately and bringing out those stories of unworthiness and transforming them.

[00:33:27] So I'll give you the link to that program. And if people are interested in joining us, I'd love to have more people come to our sessions and sit in the proxy seat and also just get the benefits by proxy tapping. Because when you tap with somebody else who's releasing energies, you release a ton of energies too.

[00:33:42] Jill: Wonderful. Thank you. And I'll for sure put all those links in so people can find you. I appreciate you coming on today and taking your time. I really appreciate your inviting me. This is beautiful. Thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode of Seeing Death Clearly. In the next episode of Seeing Death Clearly, I talk with George Ackerman, who shares his journey of caring for his mother, Sharon, through her battle with Parkinson's disease.

[00:34:10] George recently released a book about their experiences. where he offers a look at the challenges and the emotional toll of caregiving. George discusses the variability of Parkinson's symptoms and the hope for early detection, the importance of caregiver self care, and the need for community support.

[00:34:29] George's advocacy extends to supporting research and urging action on the national plan to end Parkinson's disease. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend or family member who might find it interesting. Your support in spreading the podcast is greatly appreciated. Please consider subscribing on your favorite podcast platform and leaving a five star review.

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[00:35:11] You can find a link in the show notes to subscribe to the paid monthly subscription, as well as a link to my Venmo if you prefer to make a one time contribution. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you in next week's episode of Seeing Death Clearly.